
I am a wife and mum to my eight year old son who is constantly on the go.

I have been involved in textile art for nearly 50 years.

Starting making dolls clothes with my Great Grandma when I was 4 years old and I've been sewing ever since.


It was when my son was born that I really started to make quilts/throws to; as he would say; keep him ‘nice and cosy’


I am hopeful that my passion is reflected in my work and will be able to be shared with everyone giving you a piece which will last a lifetime and become a treasured family heirloom for many years to come


Living in the West of Scotland with it diverse seasons (sometimes all in one day!) and landscape - you can be at the beach and then half an hour later in the middle of a bustling city centre then within another half hour you can be in the most glorious countryside

This all lends itself to an extraordinary amount of inspirations which I bring through my quilts and wall hangings

I could spend (and have done many an afternoon) hour upon hour in any fabric store – I am passionate about colour and texture of fabric and love how differing patterns when put together create yet more pattern that is how my love of quilting developed.

I am a Free Motion Quilter. I do use a machine to do the quilting. But it is not computerized allowing me to be more Organic. 

I have a signature feather design which I use on all my large quilts.

Please Note:

My travel quilt is backed with fleece to make it extra cosy for when you are travelling

My baby and sanctuary quilts have Bamboo as wadding to ensure that baby has the most natural breathable quilt which is safe while still being nice and cosy